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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso / Cordant / US English / HIAR / HIAR-68K / Images / TIFFSpec.053 (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1994-08-03  |  10KB  |  1728x2500
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OCR: TIFE 5.0 Appendices SamplesPerPixel Be.l. 277 (115) SHORT RowsPerStrip Tag 278 {116} Type SHORToLONO StripByteCvunts Tag 279 {117} Type LONG OF SHORT SuripsPe erTmage for PlanarConfiguration equal to Samples PerPixcl StripsPerlmage tor PlararConfiguration equal to2 MinSampleValue Tag 280 {118} Typ SHORT SarmplesPerPixel MaxSampleYalue 281 {119} Type SHORT $ampIesPerPixel XResolutiun Tar 282 {11A} RATIONAL YResolution TeL 283 {l1B} Type RATIONAL PlanarConfiguration Tag 284 {11C} Typx SHORT PageName Tas 285 1D) Typx ASCII An AldusMicrasolt Tochaicar Memorandum: Appendicer SHORTOr StripsPerImage Planar Configuration MiuSample SamplesPerPixe MaxSample Value XResolution Aldus Micrasoft Technicat